Oil & Gas Development Company (OGDCL)

Oil and Gas Development Company Limited (OGDCL) is a state corporation of Pakistan. It was established in 1961 to prospect, refine and sell oil and gas in Pakistan.

By 1966, OGDCL had emerged as the dominant prospector in Pakistan with several significant discoveries in the Indus Basin. In 1997, OGDCL was converted into a public limited company.

On May 4th, 2006 the government of Pakistan appointed a Citigroup-led consortium to advise the state-run Privatisation Commission on the sale of 10 to 15 per cent (or 430 to 645 million shares) of the company. OGDCL is the second Pakistani company to have been listed at the London Stock Exchange.

+92 336 3695320



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Mon – Sat: 10:00am to 7:00pm
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